I’m also pretty sure that there are more UNP-compatible armor mods out there than any other body mesh. UNP (standard) – This is one of my favorite body meshes for females! I think the body proportions are beautiful and the boobs don’t look like ridiculous clown tits. UNP comes in three variations – standard, skinny/slim, and blessed. It took a while to figure out the differences between UNP, UNPB, CBBE, and all the other acronym-ed body types but here’s what I have: The first thing before even getting to the character’s face is to choose a body. As a result, I’ve downloaded and tested nearly every popular mod for the Skyrim character creator and here are the best of the best, IMO: I’m a little late to the Skyrim modding party, but I’ve been spending the last couple weeks modding the shit out of my game and now I’m ready to share some of my testing results! I’m one of those gamers who will spend LITERALLY AN HOUR on the character creation screen trying to create the perfect virtual embodiment of my avatar. UPDATED JULY 23, 2015: Check out my new female body mesh mods comparison here!